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Have you Registered???

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for our Student Led Conferences?? These are an amazing opportunity for students to share with you all of the wonderful things happening in their classes. 

Conferences are happening on Wednesday March 26 and Thursday March 27 from 4 - 7 pm. 

Families are able to book online via the RJ Hawkey Conference Manager.


In addition, be sure to stop by the Learning Commons and check out the Scholastic Book Fair. This fund raiser allows for the purchase of additional resources for all of our students to borrow from our school library.

Also we have the a Craft Sale being held by our Grade 5 students with all profits going to BARC's Rescue.



Land Acknowledgment

Rocky View Schools would like to acknowledge the land and recognize all the Indigenous Peoples whose footprints have marked these lands from time immemorial. Together, we can learn and honour the Ways of Knowing of Indigenous Peoples for all future generations.