Learning Supports

What does Learning Support look like at R.J. Hawkey School?

R.J. Hawkey Elementary School is responding to the call to inclusive classrooms put forth by Rocky View Schools and the Alberta Government’s Action on Inclusion. Our team is working to ensure that all students feel a sense of belonging and receive a quality education no matter their ability, disability, language, cultural background, gender, or age.

At R.J. Hawkey you may see flexible groups of students working in the Learning Commons on projects. Students may be receiving targeted small group instruction with a teacher. Our talented Learning Support assistants may be supporting a student with mastering a certain learning goal they have. Students are engaged in learning that is relevant and accessible to them. Universal access to technology such as ipads and laptops allow our students to meaningfully engage in learning that has multiple ways to express what they know. Individual learner success is measured through informal and formal assessments throughout the course of the year. Creating accessible instruction and learning experiences while removing barriers to classroom integration helps our students best achieve their potential.

Students with identified Special Needs are also supported through a variety of specialists within Rocky View School’s Learning Support Team. They may provide programming support, assessments and consultation. Collaboration and teamwork are cornerstones to creating an environment of success for all students from Kindergarten to Grade 4. Accommodations are implemented for students requiring an IPP (Individual Program Plans), program modifications or Adapted Program Plans. Parental contribution and involvement in the programming for students is key to enhancing the home-school relationship.

R.J. Hawkey’s Learning Support Team consists of:

  • Administration
  • Learning Support Teacher
  • Child Development Advisor
  • Learning Support Assistants
  • Classroom Teachers
  • Parents
  • Rocky View Schools Psychologist
  • Family-School Liaison Worker

The Learning Support Team seeks to embody the RVS mantra of learning at any time, any place, any path, any pace through individualized instruction, small groups or in-class support of students at R.J. Hawkey School.


The websites below offer a range of information and supports to help meet the behavioural, emotional and physical needs of students.

  • Understanding Medical/Disability Information - Strategies that teachers can use as a starting point to inform their classroom practice, and better support students with specific medical conditions and disabilities.
  • Positive Behaviour Supports for Children - This is a series of related websites developed for use by families, aides and school staff supporting children with disabilities. These interactive websites provide evidence-based strategies for promoting adaptive behaviour, while managing challenging behaviours.

Reading Support Websites

Land Acknowledgment

Rocky View Schools would like to acknowledge the land and recognize all the Indigenous Peoples whose footprints have marked these lands from time immemorial. Together, we can learn and honour the Ways of Knowing of Indigenous Peoples for all future generations.