Helpful Websites
- Learn Alberta - Online Reference Center - Online reference resources for students and teachers
- Quest A Plus
- Tumble Books
- TumbleBook Cloud - TumbleBook Cloud is an online collection of ebooks and read-along chapter books, graphic novels, educational videos, and audio books! Access from home by using: (username: rjhawkey) (password: login)
- Arithemtic Four - This game is just like "Connect Four". For third grade, try level 2 and 3...have fun!
- Cool Math Games
- Math Change
- Mathletics
- Third Grade Skills - Interactive Sites
- Virtual Base Ten Blocks
- Building Big
- Famous Structures
- Frog and Toad
- Frog and Toad 2
- Hearing and Sound
- Journey into the Ear
- Let's Hear it for the Ear
- Science of Music
Rocks and Minerals - Various websites to help us learn about Rocks and Minerals
- NeoK12 with videos - Various videos and activities to do with earth science.
- Rocks for Kids - Information about rocks for kids
- Pictures of Rocks - Pictures of rocks in Alberta
- Identification - Website explaining how to test and identify rocks and minerals
Boats - List of websites for boat research
- Pictures of types of boats - Just pictures of 5 common types of boats
- Wikipedia- List of Boat Types - Find the boat you need to find information on, click on the link and read all about it!
- India - Websites with information on India
- Peru
- Tunisia
- Ukraine
- Free Rice - UN World Food Program
- The North Pole - Christmas Around the World
- The Weather Network
Websites to explore for Grade 3 Science LENS Knights and Castles Unit
- Exploring Knights and Castles Webquest - To be completed in class
- Chapter Two and Three - Knights and Castles by Will Osborne and Mary Pope Osborne Ch. 2: The Age of Castles Ch. 3: Protecting the Castle
- Chapter Seven - Ch. 7: Armor